¿Qué estás buscando?

Directorate of Research:


The Universidad de San Buenaventura Cali, aims to strengthen a culture of research at all levels of the university. The research processes must allow the agents of the University and the groups, organizations and people of the environment, to become beings endowed with capacities, attitudes, skills and ethical, aesthetic, scientific and technical knowledge, in order to satisfactorily face the multiple complexities of life in society. Research is an educational strategy that allows the formation of active and creative people, capable of interpreting reality and acting effectively in its transformation. According to the PEB, research is […] an activity present in all areas of knowledge that enables the training of teachers and students, development in science and technology and in social, human and artistic disciplines, knowledge, interpretation and solution of society’s problems. Research is developed through two modalities: research training and basic and applied research.


Research Ethics Committee:

Who are we?

The Research Ethics Committee of the Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cali (CEI-USB-Cali), is responsible for safeguarding the dignity, welfare, physical, psychological and moral integrity of those who participate in research or are depositaries of the results of the same. This function and duty of the CEI-USB-Cali is developed in three moments: before initiating the research, during the development of the research and once the research is concluded. In each case, the Committee will promote in the university community training in research ethics for the formulation, evaluation, follow-up, and closure of research projects.


The CEI-USB-Cali was created by Rector’s Office Resolution No. A871 of November 17, 2010 to act as an advisory, evaluation and discussion body on the ethical issues that arise around the research activities carried out by the University. The Committee is attached to the Academic Vice-Rectory, is coordinated by the Interdisciplinary Center for Humanistic Studies (CIDEH) and works in dialogue with, and independently of, the University’s Research Council.


Research according to the PEB:

The University, considering as fundamental “the constant search for truth, creative activity, serious and objective analysis of reality, scientific rigor, the intrinsic value of science and research, the critical examination of knowledge and its application to the development of society” (PEB, p. 47), develops its substantive function of research and instills in it “ethical, aesthetic, social and religious values. 47), develops its substantive function of research and instills in it “ethical, aesthetic, social and religious values, and assumes as fundamental notes of the university being: the autonomy of knowledge, corporativity, research, creation and transformation of the knowledge society” (PEB, p. 47).


For this reason, research at the Universidad de San Buenaventura cuts across the fields of knowledge and promotes interdisciplinarity. In this sense, it is understood that…


… enables the training of teachers and students, development in science and technology and in social, human and artistic disciplines, [así como] the knowledge, interpretation and solution of society’s problems. Research is developed through two modalities: research training and basic and applied research. Research training promotes interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity and incorporates in the training activities processes that develop attitudes, abilities and intellectual operations to infer, deduce and elaborate concepts. It trains for methodical inquiry, the reappropriation of knowledge and self-formation, for the application of scientific principles and own and creative thinking. It emphasizes the knowledge, management and permanent revision of research methods.


Basic and applied research is oriented to produce new knowledge, to verify that which is part of human knowledge and activities in specific contexts, to facilitate the pedagogical process and the development of science and technology (PEB, p. 68).


Meeting of research seedlings:

The research group is a space for the cultivation of basic research activities, formed by a minimum of three students. It consists of a long-term training proposal where suitable, committed and motivated candidates emerge for subsequent processes. The research seedbeds have the following purposes:

  • Enable students’ research training that allows them to creatively venture into the world of knowledge.
  • To provide students with a space for collective research training with their peers and with the accompaniment of a teacher.
  • To initiate from an early stage the training process of those who will later become young researchers and potential research professors of the Faculties.
  • Encourage the development of scientific skills and attitudes.
  • Promote the capacity for teamwork and interdisciplinary work.
  • Promote research capacity in specific knowledge.
  • Develop attitudes and skills to learn how to undertake research projects.
  • Develop capabilities to actively participate in the research processes carried out at the University.

Links of interest


Documentation and resources


Grupos de Investigación

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about research management at USB Cali.

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Carlos Andrés Sánchez Jaramillo

Carlos Andrés Sánchez Jaramillo

Doctor en Psicología


Adaneys Álvarez Ramírez

Adaneys Álvarez Ramírez

Magíster en Psicología con énfasis en Psicología de las Organizaciones y el Trabajo


Carlos Andrés Sánchez Jaramillo

Carlos Andrés Sánchez Jaramillo

Doctor en Psicología


Adaneys Álvarez Ramírez

Adaneys Álvarez Ramírez

Magíster en Psicología con énfasis en Psicología de las Organizaciones y el Trabajo

